Landlord Insurance
If you own a home, then you most likely know the importance of carrying a homeowners Insurance Policy.
If you are a landlord and you rent out your home, then it’s equally important that you have the right kind of policy. A California landlord insurance policy is necessary if you lease or rent the home annually or on a semi-permanent basis.
It is common for a homeowners insurance policy to be invalid if the owner does not reside in the home that is under protection. There is additional risk when a property is being leased or rented. A California landlord insurance policy would provide some additional coverage such as loss of rents, in the event of a claim where the tenants were unable to live in the property and stopped paying rent.
Some other important coverage landlord’s need would be liability protection. In the event someone is injured on the property, the owner could be sued. A properly insured rental would include liability limits that would cover all the equity in the property plus the owners’ assets that could be at stake.
It’s important to note that short term rentals such as AIRBNB or VRBO fit in a separate type of insurance category. They are even a higher risk than traditional long-term renters.
At Jump Insurance Services, we will take the time to review your individual situation and make sure the appropriate recommendations are made to protect your assets.
How do I Learn More?
To learn more about Landlord Insurance, contact the experts at Jump Insurance. Our licensed experts will be happy to answer any questions you have.
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